Wednesday 14 July 2021

Millitary Finds of the Folly - I found a Unicorn and a Lion on the Folly!

 Yesterday I found a button on the Folly (without a metal detector).  I really want one!  The first thing I saw on the button was a Unicorn, yes and a Lion.  It's a General Service Button that a British soldier would've worn on his tunic.  Not sure how old this one is because it's so worn.  It might be early 20th century.

                                      Battered General Service Button found on the Folly

WW1 British Army Officer's Tunic 1902                            

Why is there a Unicorn a Lion and a Crown on the button? Makes one think of  Narnia or the Wizard of Oz.  Actually there was also a Unicorn and a Lion in Alice in Wonderland.

Lets investigate,

The Lion and the Unicorn poem

The lion and the unicorn were fighting for the crown
The lion beat the unicorn all around the town.
Some gave them white bread, and some gave them brown;
Some gave them plum cake and drummed them out of town.

The picture depicts the Lion (with the crown) and the Unicorn Coat of Arms. The centre of the Arms depicts the lions of England in the first and fourth quarters, the lion of Scotland in the second and the Harp of Ireland in the third quarter. The motto around the centre means: "Evil to him who evil thinks" which relates to the Order of the Garter. The motto at the bottom means: "God and my Right "

Origins of "The lion and the unicorn" in British history

The Lion and the Unicorn lyrics date from 1603 when King James VI of Scotland became James I of England unifying the Scottish and English kingdoms. The 'Virgin Queen' Elizabeth 1 named the son of Mary Queen of Scots, James, as her heir. The union of the two countries required a new royal coat of arms combining those of England which featured two lions, and Scotland whose coat of arms featured two Unicorns hence "The lion and the unicorn". A compromise was made thus the British coat of arms has one Lion and one Unicorn and the poem about hence "The Lion and the Unicorn" was created.

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