Friday 23 July 2021

Military Finds of the Folly - It's not a Rusted Goon!

I think I found a Cannonball!

My husband says it's a rusted goon!  I don't think so!

Maybe I've been watching too many "mudlarking" shows on Youtube.  Maybe I just want it to be a cannonball ..... It might just be one!

This cannonball could be one that was fired at an Armistice Day Celebration at some time!  

    Found this pic on the Alumni Facebook page

  Left:  The rusted steel sphere I found on the Folly today
Cannons were also used during the wars in South Africa.                 

A round shot (also called solid shot or simply ball) is a solid spherical projectile without explosive charge launched from a gun. Its diameter is slightly less than the bore of the barrel from which it is shot. A round shot fired from a large-caliber gun is also called a cannonball.

The twelve-pound cannon is a cannon that fires twelve-pound projectiles from its barrel, as well as grapeshot, chain shot, shrapnel, and later shells and canister shot.  12-pounders were the largest caliber of long-barreled field pieces, and were used both at long range against fortifications and troop concentrations using round shot and against attacking infantry and cavalry using canister shot. 

Click on link below to read more and see pictures of Lord Roberts and the Cannons.

Do you remember Mr Steve Hodge? (he is the only person I ever knew that owned a cannon).  He also brought it to Jeppe Boys and fired it on the property.

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