Tuesday 3 August 2021

Found on the Folly - Unidentified "Frying" Object

During this past extended holiday a ditch was dug to lay a pipe - behind the rugby stands (White Field) next to the Hockey Astro.  Many treasures were uncovered including a strange unidentified object.

See my pics below

The Unidentified Object found

No one knew what this object was.  There were attempts at guessing:


Mr Jarvis - The end of an old curtain rail

Ms Birkett - The top of an old fire extinguisher

Mr Meintjes - The inside of an old wall socket

The winners for correctly identifying the object

Mr Matthews Shange

Mr Theo Garrun

It is in fact

a component of an old PRIMUS STOVE

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Primus stove, the first pressurized-burner kerosene (paraffin) stove, was developed in 1892 by Frans Wilhelm Lindqvist, a factory mechanic in Stockholm. 

I tried to find out how old this component is, found this info,

Primus No.1 Pre 1896

Click on the link below to read more


1 comment:

Old Boy and his Dad saved rare tiles from Old Tsessebe House

Jeppe Old Boy, Mark Thomas grew up in Friedenheim (Old Tsessebe House).  His father Mr. D. Thomas was a past Deputy Principal and past Head ...