Wednesday 14 July 2021

Interesting Jeppe History - The Payne Hall, A Time Capsule Part 2 - Footprints of the Payne Hall

Footprints of the Payne Hall

Have you ever noticed these?

Still can't see them?

Lets zoom in ........

                                    Little tiny feline footprints forever fossilised in wet cement, circa 1909

My daughter Jami spotted these footprints when she was 8 years old, she is turning 17 this year, so 9 year's ago.

So, cats roamed freely in 1909.  I love it!  Was it Sir Julius Jeppe's cat?

In part one, I found that Bubonic Plague broke out in 1904, in the "Brickfields" area.  It was the slums of Johannesburg, that why the whole area was demolished and all the people moved to Klipspruit.

This might be why more people kept cats to keep down the rat population in Johannesburg after 1904.

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